We all know that it’s been the most extraordinary six months for everyone. However, watching on the sidelines as someone who has worked in and with schools for over nine years, it’s been incredible to me to see the way in which teachers, schools staff and young people have risen to the challenges posed by the pandemic and school closure. I am even happier, though, to see schools open again and young people reclaiming their right to learn, develop and experience all education has to offer.
First Give is ready to deliver in partnership with schools in England and Wales – in many ways this kind of work is more important than ever for young people to have as part of their curriculum. The programme can provide an opportunity for young people to talk about the issues in our communities caused or exacerbated by the pandemic, as well as give them a platform to do something positive to help those impacted.
We understand the need to give teachers and school leaders maximum peace of mind
We understand the need to give teachers and school leaders maximum peace of mind in order to work with us. So, over the summer we’ve worked with other charities and social enterprise, who like us deliver programmes and interventions in schools, to develop a Charter for School Providers. This is an agreed code of conduct which is in line with government guidelines around social distancing and the return to school. Each organization will supplement this with their own policies in conversation with schools, but in signing this we commit to collectively ensuring our work poses minimum risk to teachers, students and our own staff and volunteers.
It’s going to be the most extraordinary year – one that has huge potential to engage young people in their education and all the opportunities that come with it in a unique and powerful way. We can’t wait to get started.