Social action is at the heart of the First Give programme, but what does this term encompass? We use the following definition:
‘Practical action taken to make a positive change in society’
We challenge students on the First Give programme to think creatively about social action and to link it to the social issues addressed by their class charity, and it’s fair to say that students this year have risen to this challenge! We have been so impressed with the inspiring, impactful and innovative social action projects carried out by young people across the country, demonstrating that young people have the skills and passion to make a positive change in our society and we hope will continue to do so throughout their lives.
Students at Hathway Academy supported Wize Up Thurrock, a free and confidential drug and alcohol service for young people under the age of 18 and their families, based locally to the school. The students created a podcast raising awareness of drug and alcohol issues in young people as well as creating and delivering assemblies, a poster campaign and volunteering to become youth ambassadors for the charity. This impactful social action alongside their first-rate presenting skills led them to winning the £1000 grant for Wize up Thurrock which will go to supporting more young people in their local area.

Students at Feverham Academy collected donations of self-care items that would be useful for homeless people and used them to create hampers which they then donated to their class charity, Bradford Nightstop. An innovative alternative to fundraising!

Students at Ashlyns School were passionate about supporting The OLLIE Foundation, a suicide prevention charity who aim to create a society where no one feels that suicide is their only option, especially young people. To raise awareness of the work of The OLLIE Foundation and inform their peers how they could access help if needed, students wrote and recorded a song which was launched at the First Give Final and will be used going forward by the charity.

There have been so many examples of students planning and leading impactful social action projects during the last academic year, including creating an escape room with the theme of their charity, interactive graffiti boards, and homemade videos. But we can’t forget that one of the outcomes students regularly tell us about when we ask them what they have gained from the First Give programme , is having fun with their friends. So all the activity fun days, penalty shoot outs, sponge the teachers and sponsored pie in the face activities going on up and down the country in the name of First Give are hugely important and we love to see it!